To supplement the information of the responsible party during the evaluation process, the health nurse must: At the time of evaluation, the consumer chooses PCA Choice option with a PCA Choice Provider. PCA Choice always requires a personal evaluation. Consumers can choose THE PCA Choice at any time during the service contract. If the consumer requests PCA Choice during an ongoing service contract period, during which the last evaluation was a “service update,” a new personal assessment must be conducted. All of the following assessments must be done face-to-face as long as the consumer receives services via the PCA Choice option. The waiver case manager indicates the need for a responsible party during the service evaluation and planning process. The responsible party must be the one who signs the PCA working time tables, with one exception: if two biological or adoptive parents live with the minor, DHS accepts the signature of a parent in the working time tables. 2. The responsible party concludes and signs a new contract each year for the responsible party. 1.
The responsible party signs the form to indicate an understanding of its role and responsibilities. Responsible party: a person at least 18 years of age who is able to provide the assistance necessary to help the person receiving pca services to live in the community if the person is deemed incapable of managing his or her own care. A responsible party is required by the PCA program if the person is: A responsible party has a written agreement with a Personal Care Assistance Provider by completing the PCA Responsible Party Agreement and Plan (DHS-5856) (PDF) Form. The health care nurse recognizes the need for a responsible party during the assessment process. If the person is a minor or cannot direct his own care, a responsible party must be present. The responsible party is the only person who can request a change of supplier. DHS confirms that all requests for a change of supplier come from the responsible party designated in MMIS. The following individuals may delegate their role as responsible party for a temporary absence of at least 24 hours, but no more than six months: If two persons are identified as responsible party, each person must sign the agreement of the responsible party. The DHS Commissioner can appeal the Commissioner`s decision.
The denial, revocation or suspension of the use of the PCA Choice option should not affect the level of PCA services authorized by the consumer. Information and definitions about the PCA choice option. This information and more can be found on the Minnesota Department of Human Services website. This is a legal form that was published by the Minnesota Department of Human Services – a government agency that operates inside Minnesota. To date, no separate notification policy has been provided by the form delivery service.